Sodality of Charity

The Director calls together the monthly meetings.
He gives his approval to the projects and other activities of the Sodality.
The Director says Mass once a month for all members of the Sodality.
To run for an office, Sodality Members must be at least 13 years old.
Members must be enrolled in the Sodality of Charity for 1 year before competing.
Members who run for an office must attend at least 8 meetings out of the year previous to running.
All other Sodality Members may vote by show of hands.
The Director must approve the elected official.
The President passes on any projects/events/ideas that have been agreed upon by the other members of office to the Director for final ‘okay’.
The President must line the Sodality Members up for Mass and lead them in on time.
The President must preheat the oven for the followers during breakfast and take charge of them in general.
The Vice President (VP) will take over the President’s duties if ever she is not present.
The VP will set out the Sodality hymn papers and sashes before Mass. She must also hang the Sodality reservation signs on the pews the night before the meeting (or arrange someone else to hang them.)
The VP arranges for the pizza (or other lunch food) and picks it up by noon.
The Treasurer keeps track of how much money the Sodality has and spends by a tally sheet. She will not actually have a large wad of cash to stow... Any costs that need to be made for the Sodality must be conveyed to her for the record. She will also make a quarterly report of the costs and submit it to the Director.
The Treasurer is also in charge of planning and executing the monthly crafts.
The Secretary sends a reminder email to all the members one week before the meeting. The email is to remind others to bring food for the breakfast and, of course, that there is a meeting to attend!
The Secretary sets up breakfast (plates, forks, etc.)
The Secretary records any new members who join and also keeps track of all of the members birthdays. She also keeps a paper of what was done at each monthly meeting.
Takes pictures at the meeting and sends them to Father ASAP.
Makes phone calls to anyone regarding Sodality events.